Wait, didn't I just say the Super-Tough puzzles were the toughest I make? Well, I must be insane, because these new ones are actually even harder. These are the toughest Killer Sudokus I make, and may require a little trial-and-error to finish.

Tough puzzles require more advanced Sudoku strategy, such as X-Wing, XY-Wing and Swordfish. If you have not solved Kakuro puzzles before, you will probably find them quite difficult at first. The Strategies page describes strategies for solving Killer Sudoku puzzles.These puzzles require basic Sudoku strategy and Kakuro strategy. Killer Sudoku (also called Sum Sudoku) are a kind of hybrid puzzle that combine the best features of Sudoku and Kakuro (cross-sum) puzzles. The left cage's sum is greater than the right cage's sum.Killer Sudoku: 101 puzzles: 8 (Killer Sudoku Variations):.
#Killer sudoku 101 puzzles free
Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. You can also pick examples from the list above. The left cage's sum is greater than or equal to the right cage's sum. Buy Killer Sudoku: 101 puzzles: 8 (Killer Sudoku Variations) 2 by Djape (ISBN: 9781539625735) from Amazon's Book Store. Use the Import a Sudoku button or type in a Sudoku puzzle in the small board.The left cage's sum is equal to the right cage's sum.The left cage's sum is less than or equal to the right cage's sum.The left cage's sum is less than the right cage's sum. Choose the type of challenge you want with this collection of quality Killer Sudoku puzzles divided into five levels of difficulty, from mild to deadly.Sometimes called Tectonics or Number Blocks, these puzzles have very simple rules but can be extremely challenging. Instead, some cages are linked together with symbols: Challenging puzzles that combine Sudoku + Kakuro strategies. In addition to this, a Killer Sudoku grid is divided into cages, shown with dashed lines. Greater-Than Killer Sudoku, or Comparison Killer Sudoku, has exactly the same rules as Killer Sudoku, except that not every cage has a sum in its top-left corner. As with Sudoku, the objective of Killer Sudoku is to fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9, such that each row, column and nonet (3x3 group of cells) contains each number only once. Like a regular Sudoku, the rows, columns and 3x3 blocks contain the digits 1 thru 9. The same number cannot appear in a cage more than once. Killer Sudoku (also called Sum Sudoku) are a kind of hybrid puzzle that combine the best features of Sudoku and Kakuro (cross-sum) puzzles. The sum of the numbers in a cage must equal the small number in its top-left corner.

In addition to this, a Killer Sudoku grid is divided into cages, shown with dashed lines. Buy Zero Killer Sudoku: 101 puzzles: Maximum Challenge: Volume 1 (Killer Sudoku Variations) by Ape, DJ (ISBN: 9781438284309) from Amazon's Book Store. You can use this fact to your advantage when you notice cages are self-contained entirely within one of these regions except for one cell. Older puzzles are also listed by difficulty. As every row, column, and 3×3 box in a Killer Sudoku puzzle must contain the digits 1 to 9, the sum of each of these regions will always be 45. You can play any of them online or print them out to play offline. As with Sudoku, the objective of Killer Sudoku is to fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9, such that each row, column and nonet (3x3 group of cells) contains each number only once. There are five puzzles on this page: two killer sudoku puzzles and two greater than sudoku puzzles and one greater than-killer sudoku puzzle.